Getting your P's: Perseverance
Some things take effort. Things like finishing a degree, getting fit, eating healthy, your spiritual life. You add to them every day little by little and not so suddenly, after some time you realise you’re closer to where you want to be. It’s called perseverance. I struggle with perseverance. I always have an excuse. Right now, I’m supposed to be studying for my exams but I’m writing this. When I’m not, I’m watching Brooklyn 99 and even if watching tv shows usually helps me study, 95% of the time that’s just my excuse to procrastinate even more. It’s tough stuff to persevere sometimes, especially after 6 years of uni, but that’s just another excuse because this started well before uni :P. Honestly sometimes it feels like I’m swallowing a bowl of nails when it comes to persevering. My personal relationship with God has definitely been the area of my life where I’ve persevered the least in the past. Only recently its come to my attention that it doesn’t need a mil...